Local news & advice

The areas best source for up to date news and real estate information.

5 Things to Look for When Selecting A …

5 Things to Look for When Selecting A …

In a metro area as large as Denver, there can be hundreds of neighborhoods to consider in your …

Is Buying in An HOA Community Right for …

Is Buying in An HOA Community Right for …

So, you are ready to purchase a new home. You hired a real estate agent, made a list …

5 Must Ask Questions Before Hiring A Real …

5 Must Ask Questions Before Hiring A Real …

  Buying or selling a home is often a significant life event. It can be overwhelming, stressful, and …

5 Tips for Decorating to Sell Your Home

5 Tips for Decorating to Sell Your Home

How you make a home ready to show to potential buyers is a crucial part of getting your …

How to Sell Your Home When You Can’t …

How to Sell Your Home When You Can’t …

Can you still prepare and sell your home amid the COVID-19 quarantine? The answer is absolutely, yes. Below …

Buy, Sell or Hold: Real Estate Advantages to …

Buy, Sell or Hold: Real Estate Advantages to …

COVID-19 cases are increasing, mortgage rates are at historic lows and for sale inventory continues to be down. …

4 Things to Know Before You Sell Your …

4 Things to Know Before You Sell Your …

Selling your home can be an emotional, stressful process. When should you sell? What should you list your …

Your Home Maintenance New Year's Resolution List

Your Home Maintenance New Year's Resolution List

New Year’s resolutions are not just for diets and exercise, but for home maintenance, too. We’ve put together …

Six Tips to Prevent Porch Pirates

Six Tips to Prevent Porch Pirates

Packages delivered to our homes are easy targets for theft, making porch pirating a particularly common crime. According …