Your Home Maintenance New Year’s Resolution List

home maintenance

New Year’s resolutions are not just for diets and exercise, but for home maintenance, too. We’ve put together a list of five resolutions for home maintenance to keep your home in good repair all year long. 

Change HVAC Filters

The most common reason an HVAC system breaks down is due to a dirty furnace filter. As dirt builds up, the system will overheat and stop working. This also produces poor air quality, higher energy costs, and a shorter life of your HVAC system. Check your system’s manual to see what size filter you need. 

Clean the Gutters 

This fall leaves ended up in your gutters and they have likely been compacted during the harsh winter weather. Often, homeowners forget to clean out the debris that has accumulated in their gutters, resulting in unnecessary clogs. Giving your gutters a good clean out will also prepare them for spring and summer rainfall. 

Check the Fire Extinguisher 

It is important to have a fire extinguisher in your home with easy access in case of an emergency, but it is even more important to have one that works. Fire extinguishers can last anywhere from five to 15 years. There is often an expiration date to help you know if yours is still working. Read this helpful article on what to look for when inspecting your fire extinguisher

Clear out Clothes Dryer Vents

Failure to clean out the lint in the dryer vent can increase the chances of a fire. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, more than 2,900 home fires are caused by clothes dryers, 34 percent of those from failure to clean out the dryer vent. Make sure the exterior vent is cleaned out thoroughly to keep your dyer safe to use. 

Clean the Refrigerator

Spending a few minutes cleaning the refrigerator can prevent costly maintenance repairs in the future. Cleaning the condenser coils in the back of the refrigerator is especially effective, preventing almost 70 percent of service repairs. For a built-in refrigerator, you can access your condenser coils from the top of the unit. Usually, you can remove them by pulling them forward and releasing the hook.

While you are at it, if your refrigerator isn’t built in, grab a broom or yard stick and clear out the crumbs, pet hair, and random items that have accumulated underneath your refrigerator. This will prevent pests and bacteria build up. 

These five home maintenance resolutions are a great place to start to take care of your home investment. 

Looking for a new home this year? I’d love to help you find the right place for you. Contact me and let’s get started!