Getting Your Landscape Ready for Spring


Winter may not be over yet, but with spring on the way we can be proactive and prepare our properties for showings. A property’s landscape is an important part of presenting its potential. A well-kept yard and an inviting garden can be the finishing touches our homes need to spark interest or to simply enjoy ourselves. Here is how to ready your landscape for spring.

Contact your lawn care company. See dead growth, overgrowth or weeds? Now is a good time to contact lawn care companies to get on their rotation. Often, if you wait until spring, their schedule is full. Take note of any trees that need to be trimmed, bushes that need to be pruned, or dead branches that need to be removed so you have a list for them when they start working.

Repair or replace tools and outdoor structures. You may also need to make repairs to your tools and outdoor structures like fences, trellises and gardening beds. These tend to get weathered in colder temperatures and precipitation, making them difficult to work with. Taking a note of which items need replacing or repairing will save you time and effort when the weather gets warmer.

Clean up the lawn. It’s a good time to start removing leaves, twigs, and other winter debris to allow for springtime growth. Raking the lawn and removing that top winter layer allows sunshine and air to penetrate the soil, encouraging grass to start growing again. You may need to re-seed some bare patches in March, but this will you give you an idea of what areas need the most attention.

Start planning any gardening ideas you may have. Different plants and flowers prefer to be planted in different seasons, so making note of what varieties you would like can help you plan when to purchase seeds.  There may be gardening classes in your neighborhood or resources at a nearby nursery that can give you an idea of what plants can be planted now and which ones to plant later.  As more mild days approach, you can start working in the soil and establish the look and feel of your garden.

There are more winter days ahead, but as we approach warmer weather we can begin to recover our laws, gardens, and trees in time for spring. On the next mild day, head outside and have a look around. Roll up your sleeves, and start imagining! The more you plan now, the better your landscape can look.

Find more helpful gardening tips and information, visit the Colorado State University Extension website.

Contact us today to talk about your property.